SECTION 1A: FULL MEMBERSHIP. Any person adjusting claims on a full time basis made by or against a policyholder of an insurance company, or any self-insurer, so long as such person is not engaged in the practice of representing claimants against insurance companies, or any self-insurer.
SECTION 1B: ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. Associate members are persons involved in the insurance industry who are not directly involved in the adjustment of insurance claims, so long as such person is not engaged in the practice of representing claimants against insurance companies or any self-insurer.
Associate members are to abide by the constitution and by laws of the association and meet all other membership requirements.
Associate members will have no voting privileges nor can they hold any elective office or be members of any committees.
SECTION II: Such persons shall be eligible to make application for membership in this Association, at or before any regular meeting. Such applicants shall be investigated by the Membership Committee, who, at the next regular meeting shall report, with or without its approval, for confirmation or rejection by a two-thirds majority of voting members present at said meeting.
SECTION III: Any member may be expelled from the privileges of membership in this Association for j u s t and due cause, properly presented to the Association and approved by two-thirds majority of the voting members present. The President shall announce, at the preceding meeting, the subject to be voted upon.
SECTION IV: Any member whose eligibility ceases shall be dropped from membership. Any member whose dues are three (3) months delinquent shall be dropped from membership.
SECTION V: Every member of this Association shall abide by the Statement of Principles on Respective Rights and Duties of Lawyers and Laymen ‘ in the Business of Adjusting Insurance
Claims. Each member shall at all times diligently, fairly, honestly, and impartially perform his duties as a claims man.